Friday, November 5, 2010

Araguaina City ...

               Araguaina is a municipality located in the northern state of Tocantins which contains about 150 000 inhabitants... is the largest and most populous city of state. Here, we don't have many sights but the most famous attraction is the waterfall "bridal veil" :

                In Araguaina, the soccer team that represent us is "Tourão do Norte". The team is growing up and is the best team of football in the state:
                   We can't forget the food! The "Chambaril" is the most sought dish by tourists and Araguaina's Municipal Market is the venue to taste this delicious:
                     So, Araguaina have many news for discover, then .... enjoy us!

1 comment:

  1. Silvia eu já te falei que isso ai não é chambary, compra e faz pra tu ver ai tu tira a prova dos nove, sem contar que é uma refeição maravilhosa...
